Shoot & Bobing 2020 is not a typical game. It's more like a traditional Chinese dice game simulator, as well as an experiential works. You can shoot to get your chance for roll the dices, and of cource roll the dices to see whether you're luck today!

How to Play

Use your mouse to aim, left click to shoot the dice. Once you hit a dice or two, you can roll once or twice at the next state of game. Press x to roll, while press z to continue.

Please remember that this game is not about winning or beat the game up. It's about feel your luck and play the traditional Chinese dice game "Bo Bing". Good Luck and Have Fun!


Made withPICO-8


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I have know idea what's going on. I'm probably just too stupid but if you could add more information about the score.

Other than that the game looks really nice and runs smooth.